職業性向評估 CAA

Career Aptitude Assessment (職業性向評估) is a locally developed assessment tool for career and education development. The report covers individual career development interests, related personality styles and work related self-efficacy. More than 10000 students in Hong Kong have taken it with good responses. All items  and the individual reports are in Chinese or English that suitable for students with junior secondary level or above. The debriefing can be conducted in classes, groups or individual sessions. This Inventory should be administered by a qualified facilitator. Qualified facilitator please log-in here to print English version reports.

職業性向評估 CAA 是一個於本地開發,專為協助事業探索及升學發展的個人評估工具,評估內容包括個人事業發展興趣、相關性格特質及對不同工作類別的效能感,超過一萬個香港學生及在職人士使用,效果理想。問卷及個人報告內容為中文或英文,適合中三或以上程度人士。問卷須於曾受訓導師/輔導員指導下進行,結果分析可以集體、小組或個人輔導形式進行。曾受訓導師/輔導員請在這裡進入列印中文版報告。

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